
Land Reform: Re-Shaping Scotland’s Social Landscape

Author / Creator: Dylan Howel

Media type: News Item

Date published:

Scotland has one of the most concentrated patterns of private land ownership in the developed world. Just 450 people own over half of the private land in Scotland. This entitlement has survived un-challenged for 500 years, a privilege that has its roots in royal favours and aristocratic archetypes

The Future of Low Carbon Heat For Off-Gas Buildings

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published:

The primary barrier to the roll-out of low carbon heat is financial. Efficient schemes will have to be government financed. Biofuels may play a significant role in rural heating where they can seamlessly replace off-grid heating without the need to install new infrastructure.


The Common Home Plan – Technical Report

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published:

This Technical Report is an annex to The Common Home Plan, a part of Our Common Home – A Green New Deal for Scotland. The fact that this book represents the broadest and most detailed Green New Deal blueprint yet published for any country means that it covers a great many of topics in detail and thus draws upon a vast body of literature and other previously published work.

The Common Home Plan

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published:

There are a number of policy tools which can be used to encourage transformative changes to our lifestyles. However, it should be noted that most of these policy tools are designed to enact structural change rather than individual change and, again, it must not be read that these can simply be introduced into a free market economy as if they will succeed in shifting those markets. They won't, at least not as a result of individual behaviours. The Plan details the the changes needed.

Housekeeping Scotland: Discussion paper outlining a new agenda for housing

Author / Creator: Malcolm Fraser

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: October 2016

The United Kingdom’s housing policies have been ideologically-driven, and have led to the current crisis of strangled investment, under-provision and a general flow of power and money from civic society to the wealthy. UK housing has suffered greatly from its politicians’ fixation with a single form of home and tenure, the mortgage-backed and privately-owned home.

Resilient Scotland; Part One

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: 2021

The Scottish National Investment Bank should act as a bank and capitalise from sources such as pension funds. It should lend to the public and the private sector.  Public procurement should have the public policy goal of supporting Scottish business and achieving the maximum number of manufacturing jobs.

Resilience Economics, an Economic Model for Scotland’s Recovery.

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: 2020

We need a resilient economy, one which creates the good jobs that give people the income to live good lives now. It must have the security to make us confident we can live good lives in the future. It must be useful, diverse, and non-exploitative. It can not contain high levels of risk, or which falls over in a crisis. This resilient economy must be based on a resilient environment,  able to regenerate itself and sustain our lives now and in the future.

Better than This

Author / Creator: Common Weal

Media type: Policy Paper

Date published: 2021

We must emerge from the Covid pandemic in a way that 
Fixes the problems raised by the crisis. 
Fixes the problems evident before the crisis and makes us resilient.
Implements a green new deal.
Establishes a new democracy. 
Begins a national care service.
Starts land reform.
Creates a housing revolution.
Controls our own energy.
Provides better banking
Focus on independence.